Keeping the cousin connection alive across this fabulous nation and around the world

In the words of Sister Sledge, "We are Family"

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good Sunday morning to you all,

It is a good morning indeed as I had a call from Sandy last night and he is safe and sound (and I imagine very cold) in Resolute Bay, just a day's walk from the Arctic Ocean. He is the chief cook and bottle washer at an inn where explorers and scientists go to train for extreme exploring. I'm quite happy hearing about it from the relative balmy climate of the 'Peg.

Some of my cousins have asked how one goes about signing on as a follower. To the right of what you are at this very moment reading you will find the "tools" & "gadgets" of a blog. Click on the rectangular box featuring the small Google "g" and the word "Follow". You will be prompted to create a Google, Yahoo or Twitter account. This costs nothing and will not alter your life in any way. I'm afraid I have forgotten the next step, but one only has to keep in mind that Google has tried to make the process as user friendly as possible. I'm confident that the number of followers will soon soar as my cousins figure out the mysteries of a blog.

This post was supposed to be short, so I'll get to the remaining two items without further chit chat.

I have added the eulogies made by two of Dad's dear friends, Taras from the Real Estate industry, and Terry Braunstein from the curling world. They will offer insight into Dad's two passions. I hope you enjoy them both. We are going to attempt to convert the audio cassette tape of the service to a CD as some of our rellies have expressed an interest in hearing the service. We'll keep you posted on the progress of that project.

Finally, I asked Clive to send a couple more photos that will fill in a couple of blanks. Welcome to the blogosphere Terry (Clive's wife); I think Terry deserves to be featured along side her amazing sons. And, in case anyone else was wondering why Phil had his name embroidered on the left side of his white coat and Einstien's on the right, it is because he attends Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Terry and Clive Campbell with their first grandchild, Jack

A better photo of Jack
(a good one to show future love interests too;
women appreciate a man who takes oral hygiene seriously!)

Jack's parents, Ross Campbell and his wife Joanne.
Joanne is a home-care case manager nurse.

Thanks again for the wonderful photos Clive. Ben, when I see you, I think of your father twenty - no, more like 40 years ago. Except for the red hair, and you don't seem to have the same gold tooth (or was it silver?). Clive, you were famous for that.

À la prochaine les amis.


  1. Hello are an excellent blogger including all these interesting photos and write ups. I will read the eulogies for Bill and NOTICE...I have become a member of the Burns family....I crept in by becoming a FOLLOWER...hope this is allowed!

  2. who remembers uncle bill doing a shell gasoline commercial???

