Keeping the cousin connection alive across this fabulous nation and around the world

In the words of Sister Sledge, "We are Family"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back to school!

Hello cousins and other followers,

School resumed this week in our household - "back to school" means so much more now than it did when I was the student heading back, and even as a young, childless beginning teacher I did not appreciate the behind the scenes shake-up that it brings about; the sorting through last year's supplies, the trip to the store for the missing items, replacing the jeans that are now two inches too short (I know, they do have to grow), the centuries-old lunch imbroglio - what to pack, who will make, enough not enough, forgotten, etc...; the soon-to-be Olympic event that is "running-for-the-bus-while-eating- breakfast" and the inevitable "what do we do now that we've missed it?". I was oblivious to ALL of this (and perhaps, dare I admit, even a bit insensitive)until I had children of my own. Throw in a return to full-time teaching, and I consider myself truly enlightened. After only two days with my new group of students, I am optimistic that the year will be a rewarding one for all of us. Stay tuned, we'll see how long the honeymoon lasts.

Aunt Dawn, Aunt Sharon, Mom (Dilly)and Lindsay, are cruising along the Rhine, landing in various ports, and testing beer in every single one of them. Perhaps the locals will write a sea shanty about them.

I don't get many details, but Lindsay does send the occasional photo. Here's one of the most recent (it might help explain any loopy behaviour that rears its goofy head in either you or your offspring - genetics).

Dawn and Dilly "eating" giant pretzels in a tavern.
I wish they would lighten up and have some fun!

That's it for today's post.

Your photos are ALWAYS WELCOME!!!


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